The Role of Trade Shows and Expos in US-Brazil Agricultural Relations

 When it comes to politics and business, The United States was one of the first countries to recognize Brazil in 1824, after Brazil became independent in 1822.  The US and Brazil are the two biggest democracies in the Western Hemisphere. They share a commitment to long-term economic growth and prosperity, promoting international peace, security, and respect for human rights, protecting the environment and biodiversity, and working together closely on defense, health, and security. There are 12 countries in the world with economies bigger than Brazil's. The US is Brazil's second-largest trade partner.  The United States had a trade advantage of $30 billion in goods and services in 2022, with $120.9 billion worth of trade going both ways.  Industrial and energy-related goods, like refined fuel, natural gas, fertilizers, airplanes, and medical tools, are what Brazil buys most from the US.  There are a lot of things that Brazil sells in the United States.  The main things that Brazil sends to the US are crude oil, airplanes, iron and steel, coffee, and wood pulp.  In 2021, the United States put $191.6 billion in direct investment in Brazil. This was more than any other country.  The US and Brazil's governments talk to each other on a daily basis about things like making trade easier, good regulatory practices, and setting standards for labor and the environment.  A new agreement was added to the 2011 Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation in February 2022. It added up-to-date rules on Good Regulatory Practices, Anticorruption, and Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation.  

The US and Brazil have close ties.  

The U.S.-Brazil Energy Forum, the Critical Minerals Working Group, the Commercial Dialogue, and the CEO Forum are all bilateral mechanisms that bring together cabinet officials and private sector leaders to plan policy changes that can improve economic ties.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced in February 2022 that they would be starting a full Global Entry agreement with the Government of Brazil. This would make it easier for Brazilians to travel to the U.S. for work or pleasure. The US and Brazil have worked together a lot on human rights issues. The U.S. and Brazil have been talking about important multilateral and bilateral issues through the U.S.-Brazil Global Human Rights Working Group dialogue since 2015. They have also been in regular contact about these topics.At their most recent meeting in February 2022, the US and Brazil talked about their positions and ways to better align within the UN's Security Council, General Assembly, and Human Rights Council. They also talked about issues that were important to both countries, such as police violence and racial bias, gender equality, protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and environmental defenders, business and human rights, and protecting and promoting religious freedom. 

The governments of the United States and Brazil met for the first time in 2023

To start over with the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality (JAPER). This will create a new two-way workplan to remove social barriers for racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in both countries.  JAPER is a place where people can share the best ways to improve access to health care and education, deal with crime and the justice system, and protect and promote culture.  In May 2023, leaders from the U.S. and Brazil held a Human Rights Dialogue to talk about how to improve human rights and democracy by promoting economic growth and opportunities for all citizens. Brazil has one of the cleanest ways to make electricity in the world. Law enforcement and justice sector investigation and prosecution training is given to Brazilian counterparts by the U.S. Department of State's Bureaus of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) and of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Forest Service, and other partners. This helps them fight wildlife, gold, timber, and other conservation crimes that affect the U.S., Brazil, and the region. A number of INL classes are also used by the U.S. Mission to help Brazilian law enforcement partners improve their skills.  Training paid for by INL and led by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and other partners is making Brazil better able to protect its citizens, stop the flow of drugs, and stop the growth of transnational crime groups based in Brazil that threaten U.S. security and prosperity.  The Department of Homeland Security works with the Brazilian government to help look into crimes like trafficking in guns, laundering money, abusing children, and trafficking people.  The State Department's Counter Terrorism Program also paid for a Resident Legal Advisor in 2022 to help police, prosecutors, and the courts do a better job of fighting crimes linked to terrorism. As part of its security assistance, the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) has helped military education schools in Brazil's Ministry of Defense build their skills.  Through PM's Global Defense Reform Program, the U.S. government built a long-lasting relationship with the Brazilian War College. 

The U.S. government still helps the National Defense College create its curriculum on managing defense resources.

Since FY 2017, the U.S. Department of State's Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) has planned nearly $1.1 billion in humanitarian aid to help and protect Venezuelans across the region. Of this amount, nearly $109 million is set aside to help and protect Venezuelans in Brazil, with over $25 million in FY 2022 and over $5 million so far in FY 2023. To help Venezuelans in Brazil, PRM works with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration, and the UN Children's Fund. It also works with non-governmental organizations like Caritas, World Vision, and the Association of Volunteers in International Service. As part of the PRM funding for foreign organization partners, campaigns are run across the country to improve access to basic services like housing, education, cash and vouchers, formal jobs and business opportunities, and other social and economic inclusion.  PRM funding also helps public health systems improve access to basic care and encourage people to move within their own country. This includes making it easier for host states, municipalities, and civil society groups to welcome and integrate new Venezuelans. PRM support to NGO partners helps Venezuelans become more economically and socially integrated by teaching them Portuguese, finding them jobs, and helping them after they move.  This money also helps with safe and managed access to services for asylum and protection, better access to health services (including making local healthcare systems more capable), vocational and entrepreneurship training, giving small businesses start-up money, and private sector partnerships to make businesses "Migrant Friendly" by teaching them how to hire people.


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